The Pleasure of Cinema Popcorn and the Displeasure it causes

Everybody loves to eat something while watching a movie, whether that’s popcorn, sweets, nachos, nuts, anything at all that will keep your hands and jaw occupied to help calm the nerves and suspense that is transferred by the film on show.

However, even though the pleasure of that eating process while at the movie theatre is notable and part of a lot of people’s routine at the movies, it is rather irritating for others, who cannot ignore the sound of crashing popcorns and nachos, and end up focusing on the thing that’s annoying them the most rather than the movie itself. Not to mention how bad it is when someone is near the bottom of the popcorn bag and starts to scrape those last few bits.

The cinema, becomes a house of pain, for the better part of 15 minutes (the average time one takes to finish all the snacks they bought*) the anticipated enjoyment of the movie becomes a mixture of awesome sound effects and the sound of jaws smashing popcorn.

In the rare occasion that I choose to indulge in the popcorn sensation I end up baffled as to why I choose to tolerate the repercussions that come with it, popcorn being stuck in your teeth, taking hours of tongue work to get them out, and the mere fact that whilst chewing it makes it difficult to hear and make out the dialogue in the movie.

The prize for worst snack though, goes to nachos, due to their ability to augment their annoyance status by adding a smell to the sound which I am sure no-one other than the consumer enjoys.

*not by any means a result of research and statistical study


  1. Have you been around anyone eating Krax? They’re the bane of my cinema going. No smell of nachos which is good though


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